Parent Teacher Association
Please join Wasatch Elementary PTA! Anyone can join by purchasing a $5 membership in our Member Hub store. You can also purchase a yearbook or make donations there, too. PTA meetings are held the first Friday of the month at the pavilion at Mt. Ogden park, weather permitting.
Join the Wasatch
To join the PTA, please follow the link below to our Member Hub store.
Register for Amazon Smile and .5% of your Amazon purchases will be donated to the school
- October 2, 2020
- November 6, 2020
- January 15, 2021
- February 5, 2021
- March 5, 2021
- May 7, 2021
- September 10, 2021
- October 1, 2021
- November 12, 2021
- December 10, 2021
- January 26, 2022
- February 11, 2022
- March 17, 2022
- April 15, 2022
- New Panel
October 2, 2020
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, October 2, 2020, 9:00am
Mount Ogden Park
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Amy Winn, Sue Ann Burton, Karen Keller, Anna Smith, McKenzie Wood, Julie Trickett, Lindsey Ketcham, Robyn Stark, Brittney Weston, Christie J. Brown, David Brown
September Treasurer Report, Amy Winn
We received $160 in dues, paid $120 to state/national and $15 to council
We received donations for thermometers
End of month balance is $5839.40
Membership is currently 32, will send out an email to the entire school to increase membership
Fundraiser - Great Harvest
Robyn Stark and Karen Keller are meeting with Chris Zenger next week to finalize a plan, will discuss further at our next meeting
Depending on how this goes, we may look at doing something else in the spring
PTC Dinner - Brittney Weston is doing this with catering from Hug Hes, $500 budget
Supplies for teachers - everyone could use lysol wipes, drop off at the office
6th Grade needs Crayola markers
Mrs. Hunsaker asked for a scholastic subscription, PTA will pay $100 and all of 4th and 5th grade will have access to that
Halloween Parties - no parents in the classroom, we will instead provide a party in a box. Games, activities, and wrapped store bought treats must be dropped off by Oct 26.
Sign up sheet sent around, we will also put on Facebook and send out a sign up genius if needed
Costumes will be allowed
Yearbook- Selah Bueler heading up yearbook, we will remind teachers to take & send photos
Peer Leader project- video montage?
Reflections - Christie Brown, information will be sent out next week, due date set for Oct 20
Talked about getting room parents for each class as a point of contact for the teachers
Like & share Facebook posts to increase reach & engagement
COVID - visit to see cases for each school. The district is working on a dashboard on their website to give more info on what is happening in the district. So far, no spreading of Covid in schools.
Minutes from last meeting approved
Lindsey Ketcham motioned to approve, second by Robyn Stark
Next meeting Friday Nov 6, 2020, 9:00 am at Mount Ogden Park (weather permitting)
Meeting adjourned at ___9:48am___
Next meeting will be Oct 2, 9:00am .
Minutes accepted: ________(date) ________________Secretary___________________(signature)
Sign the minutes with title, when they have been copied and put in the permanent binder.
______________________________________ _____________________________________
(name) (title)
November 6, 2020
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, November 6, 2020, 9:00am
Mount Ogden Park
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Amy Winn, Sue Ann Burton, Karen Keller, Lindsey Ketcham, McKenzie Wood, Robyn Stark
Minutes from last month’s meeting will be emailed for approval
October Treasurer Report by Amy Winn
We received $10 in dues
PTC Dinner
PTC dessert donated - thank you gift
Class party reimbursements
End of month balance is $4723.68
Bicycle Racks will be built and donated by Jakob Hales at Duckworks
PTA will give funds for the school to purchase a Disney license for $513. This will allow G-rated movies and shows to be shown during lunchtime and inside recesses.
Chromebooks will be issued for each child. We have a need for laptop sleeves for each chromebook to help protect them. Cost will be at least $2500 and the goal is to have them by November 24. The school will look at options such as Donors Choose or the Ogden School Foundation, and if there is still a deficit PTA may offer additional funds.
-selling vouchers for a variety of Great Harvest products
-video will be shown to students and posted for parents showing all the options
-start date Nov 16, envelopes will be sent home
-envelopes must be returned by Nov 30
-vouchers will be distributed Dec 4
-will accept cash & check in the envelope, and credit cards via MemberHub
-participation incentives/prizes
$75 benchmark - any student that reaches $75 level receives a tangible prize
Top 3 individuals receive a prize
Top class receives a dessert party
Prizes distributed all at once with the Wasatch Wagon
Covid cases - currently one case at Wasatch Elementary, not spreading at school
Meeting adjourned at ___9:55am___
Next meeting will be Dec 4, 9:00am .
Minutes accepted: ________(date) ________________Secretary___________________(signature)
Sign the minutes with title, when they have been copied and put in the permanent binder.
______________________________________ _____________________________________
(name) (title)
January 15, 2021
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, January 15, 2021, 9:00am
Zoom Meeting
Members Present: Robyn Stark, Lindsey Ketcham, Karen Keller, Amy Winn, Christie Jordan-Brown, Lynnette Wilkins, Sharon Dove, Jayna Forsgren, McKenzie Wood
Minutes from Dec. 4 meeting read and approved
Lindsey Ketcham motioned to approve
Robyn Stark seconded the motion
Treasurer Report - Amy Winn
December Revenue - $3778.04
Expenditures- $7424.61
Balance - $8034.27
Still waiting on a receipts for fundraiser prizes, Wasatch Wagon supplies, and teacher gifts
Fundraiser report
Huge shout out to Karen Keller for organizing everything
Overall it went very smooth, was successful, minimal labor on our end
Waiting to hear from Chris Zenger (Great Harvest owner) to see how it’s worked for them
Valentines Class Parties - will do “party-in-a-box” again
Need to check with Principal Wilcox if kids will be bringing Valentine’s to pass out
All treats need to be individually packaged, store-bought
Plan on 25 students per class
Boxes need to be dropped off at the office no later than Monday Feb 8
Corbett- Christie Jordan-Brown
Burdett - Lynnette Wilkins
Montague - Robyn Stark
Meeting adjourned at ___9:25am___
Next meeting will be Feb 5, 9:00am .
Minutes accepted: ________(date) ________________Secretary___________________(signature)
Sign the minutes with title, when they have been copied and put in the permanent binder.
______________________________________ _____________________________________
(name) (title)
February 5, 2021
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday,February 5, 2021, 9:00am
Zoom Meeting
Members Present: Robyn Stark, Lindsey Ketcham, Karen Keller, Amy Winn, Lynnette Wilkins, Jayna Forsgren, McKenzie Wood, Sarah Quistberg
Treasurer Report - Amy Winn
Not much change from last month, a .03 cent dividend and a couple of new memberships
Amazon Smile comes in quarterly, we should receive another payout this month or next
Balance: $8051.30
Upcoming Events
Valentines Class Parties - “party in a box” for each class
All classes have been covered, Lynnette will send a reminder email today to everyone who signed up
Boxes will need to be turned in to the office on Monday, Feb 8
Lindsey purchased a few extra Bingo games in case we need to fill in any gaps
Teacher Appreciation
Something for Valentines day? We will wait and maybe do something in March
Teacher appreciation week is the first week of May
We will put out a call of the FB page to see if anyone wants to head it up
Parent Teacher Conference Dinner
PTC is the the last week in Feb, we will provide dinner on Thurs, Feb 25
Dinner for 40 people, we can do buffet if we serve it, or boxed lunch style
Lindsey Ketcham will arrange, Robyn Stark will deliver the food
Kindergarten Round Up - in April
In person with time slots for each family
We need to provide refreshments and a book for each child (60 books total)
We have $771 in Scholastic credits we can use to get the same paperback book for each child
Robyn Stark will check Scholastic offerings to see which books could work
Wasatch Wagon supplies needed - Robyn Stark will look at getting more prizes
Meeting Minutes from January meeting read & approved
Lindsey Ketcham motioned to approve, Robyn Stark seconded the motion
Meeting adjourned at _9.40____
Next meeting will be March 5, 9:00 am
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, March 5, 2021, 9:00am, Zoom Meeting
Members Present: Robyn Stark, Karen Keller, Amy Winn, Lynnette Wilkins, Christie Jordan-Brown
Minutes from Feb 5 meeting read & approved
Motion to approve by Robyn Stark, second by Karen Keller
Treasurer Report - Amy Winn
Income from Amazon Smile
Expenses- Valentine party box reimbursements, teacher Christmas gifts, fundraiser prizes
Balance as of 2/28/21 - $6893.53
Wasatch Wagon supplies - Robyn Stark has ordered prizes and will drop them off on Monday
We will add a category to the budget for the wagon prizes
Parent Teacher Conference Dinner
Was a success, Brixton for dinner and cookies donated by Brooke Barragan
Fundraiser follow up
Robyn Stark spoke to Chris Zenger, he reported things were great on his end, he appreciated how easy it was this year. He will have another location open next year as well.
On sale now through Lifetouch and on Member Hub
Lynnette will follow up with Lindsey regarding pricing
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher appreciation week is the first week of May
Christie Jordan-Brown offered to help, but we need to touch base with Lindsey to see if anyone else has
been asked or offered to help
Kindergarten Round Up - March 16
In person with time slots for each family
We need to provide refreshments and a book for each child (60 books total)
Robyn Stark will follow up with Lindsey on what we can do to make that happen
Nominees for 2021-22 PTA Board
Lynnette will send an email with the nominees, we will vote on the board at next month’s meeting
Meeting adjourned at _9.31____
Next meeting will be April 2, 9:00 am
March 5, 2021
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, March 5, 2021, 9:00am, Zoom Meeting
Members Present: Robyn Stark, Karen Keller, Amy Winn, Lynnette Wilkins, Christie Jordan-Brown
Minutes from Feb 5 meeting read & approved
Motion to approve by Robyn Stark, second by Karen Keller
Treasurer Report - Amy Winn
Income from Amazon Smile
Expenses- Valentine party box reimbursements, teacher Christmas gifts, fundraiser prizes
Balance as of 2/28/21 - $6893.53
Wasatch Wagon supplies - Robyn Stark has ordered prizes and will drop them off on Monday
We will add a category to the budget for the wagon prizes
Parent Teacher Conference Dinner
Was a success, Brixton for dinner and cookies donated by Brooke Barragan
Fundraiser follow up
Robyn Stark spoke to Chris Zenger, he reported things were great on his end, he appreciated how easy it was this year. He will have another location open next year as well.
On sale now through Lifetouch and on Member Hub
Lynnette will follow up with Lindsey regarding pricing
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher appreciation week is the first week of May
Christie Jordan-Brown offered to help, but we need to touch base with Lindsey to see if anyone else has
been asked or offered to help
Kindergarten Round Up - March 16
In person with time slots for each family
We need to provide refreshments and a book for each child (60 books total)
Robyn Stark will follow up with Lindsey on what we can do to make that happen
Nominees for 2021-22 PTA Board
Lynnette will send an email with the nominees, we will vote on the board at next month’s meeting
Meeting adjourned at _9.31____
Next meeting will be April 2, 9:00 am
May 7, 2021
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, May 7, 2021, 9:00am
Zoom Meeting
Members Present: Robyn Stark, Karen Keller, Amy Winn, Lynnette Wilkins, Lindsey Ketcham, SueAnn Burton, Christie Jordan-Brown, Sharon Dove
Treasurer Report - Amy Winn
April ending balance $6578.71 Vote to amend budget (see attached budget for details)
Motion to approve: Lindsey Ketcham, second: Karen Keller, motion passes
Community Council - SueAnn Burton
Construction projects are going well and still within budget due to materials being purchased before prices went up
New Superintendent search - Dr. Nye will be leaving in July
The board voted to do an international search as opposed to just an internal search- meaning they will be searching
nationally for a superintendent which will take more time and money
Superintendent applications will be open May 11 - June 11.
See information below about the applicant review team and timeline
Teacher Appreciation
Shout out to Karen Keller for doing so much work getting the teacher’s goodie bags, thank you to Zoey Franklin
for helping with the fun chalk drawings
Field Day
Each grade will have their own day, the days will be spread over a week and a half
PE teachers and school staff will take care of all field day activities
6th Grade/Kindergarten graduation/end of year awards
Lindsey will contact Shannon Wilcox to see if there is anything PTA can or needs to help with
Yearbooks - Amy Winn will contact Selah Beuhler
Soccer net for the soccer goal - Robyn has one and will get it over to the field
Meeting adjourned at _9:40am____
Next meeting will be September 3, 9:00 am
September 10, 2021
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, September 10, 2021 9:00 am
Mount Ogden Park
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Heidi Bench, Bob Becker, Jessica Christiansen, Robyn Stark, Sue Ann Burton, Angie Curry, Heather Oliver, Lindsay Andersen, Amy Winn, Ambrosia Bradley, Joe Griffiths, Katy Burnett, Karen Keller
Budget Proposal and Monthly Treasurer Report - Amy Winn
August ending balance: $3,456.78
Vote on proposed 2021-22 PTA Budget
Motion to Approve, Sue Ann Burton
Second, Karen Keller
Motion passes
Other financial to support PTA:
Amazon Smile - instructions will be sent in an email
Box Tops App
Smith’s Rewards
Reflections - will be headed by Missy Ames & Lynnette Wilkins
Promotional materials will go out next week
Entries due October 8
$250 budget
Memberships - 39 members this year so far, up from last year
Will send an email with information on joining PTA
Parent Teacher Conference October 6-7
Will be held remotely
PTA will provide a catered dinner. If anyone has connections, please let us know
Halloween celebration - Thursday, October 28
Parade will be held outdoors, parents can line up along the sidewalk
Class Parties - Halloween party in a box for each class. All treats must be store bought and individually
wrapped. Contact Lynnette Wilkins if you want to sign up. Boxes do not have to sit in the office before
the day of the party.
Fundraiser- November
Great Harvest - same plan as last year
No parent volunteers allowed in classrooms yet
Career Day - held outside in the spring?
Meeting adjourned at .
Next meeting will be October 1, 2021 9:00 am .
Minutes accepted: ________(date) ________________Secretary___________________(signature)
Sign the minutes with title, when they have been copied and put in the permanent binder.
______________________________________ _____________________________________
(name) (title)
October 1, 2021
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, October 1, 2021 9:00 am
Mount Ogden Park
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Robyn Stark, Amy Winn, Karen Keller, Sharlynn Jones
October 6-7 Parent Teacher Conference
Dinner provided on Oct 7 at 4:30 for 30 people. Robyn Stark will take care of it - possibly catered by Brixton’s Baked Potato
Reflections - will be headed by Missy Ames & Lynnette Wilkins. Promotional materials have been sent out, posters around the school, flier sent via email, posted on Facebook. Entries due October 8. Judging will begin around October 15. Winning entries will move on to Council on November 5
Halloween “party in a box” for each class, Thursday, October 28
Lynnette Wilkins will send out a sign up via email
Fundraiser- we will not be able to do the Great Harvest fundraiser this year
Other ideas: similar idea, but with a different company (i.e. Daily Rise/Swig/Kneaders, etc.)
Fun Run
Field Trips - each grade level needs $100 to for field trips, so $700 total
Monthly Treasurer Report - Amy Winn
September beginning balance: $3,456.78
September ending balance: $3,224.05
Meeting adjourned at .
Next meeting will be October 1, 2021 9:00 am .
Minutes accepted: ________(date) ________________Secretary___________________(signature)
Sign the minutes with title, when they have been copied and put in the permanent binder.
______________________________________ _____________________________________
(name) (title)
November 12, 2021
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, November 12, 2021 9:00 am
Wasatch Elementary Library
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Robyn Stark, Amy Winn, Karen Keller, Chloe Reynolds, Heidi Bench
Meeting Minutes for Oct meeting read & approved
Reflections update -20 entries, have been judged and 14 have advanced to Council level
- Medals & awards have been ordered
- Huge thank you to Missy Ames for securing prizes for all entrants
- Awards will be given on Friday, Nov 19 during morning announcements
Treasurer Report
October beginning balance: $3224.05
October ending balance: $2836.40
Fundraiser ideas
-easy peasy - just asking for straight donations
-Swig, $20-$26 per card, we keep $9 per card
-Soap company
-Jimmy’s Flowers
-Great Harvest at other locations? Chloe will look into that
-Live art gallery event
-job booklet - kids do jobs to earn the money
-Papa Murphys
-Hug Hes - Chloe will look at this option too
Fundraising goals
-Support local business
-$4000 profit minimum
-If we can’t find a good fit before the holidays, wait until January
Community Council discussion & concerns
Free Fridays at recess: kids can play anywhere at recess, hoping to extend to all days
No TV during lunch anymore
Kids going to the library
Volunteers in the classroom
Lunch times? Some classes have lunch at 10:30
Teacher needs - paper, small prizes for students
PTA Meetings will be moved to second Friday of each month so Principal Wilcox can attend
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 am .
Next meeting will be December 10, 2021 9:00 am .
Minutes accepted: ________(date) ________________Secretary___________________(signature)
Sign the minutes with title, when they have been copied and put in the permanent binder.
______________________________________ _____________________________________
(name) (title)
December 10, 2021
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, December 10, 2021 9:00 am
Wasatch Elementary Library
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Robyn Stark, Karen Keller, Heidi Bench, Bob Becker, Sharlynn Jones, Shannon Wilcox
Meeting Minutes for Nov meeting read & approved
Treasurer Report
November beginning balance: $2,836.40
November ending balance: $2,461.13
Reflections update
- Awards announced and given in classes on Friday, Nov 19
-14 have advanced to Council level and have now been judged
-Council Reflections Awards Ceremony will be held Thursday, December 16 at 7:00 pm at the district offices
Teacher Breakfast
Monday, December 12
Robyn will reach out to get donations for bagels and fruit
Great Harvest will not be happening this year
Straight donation fundraiser- “Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy”
Prizes for top class (carnival?), possibly top three students
Envelopes to collect cash & check, set up Member Hub to take credit card payments
Early January/beginning of February
Record video of kids asking for donations to share on social media
School updates - Principal Wilcox
Teachers are good to go with paper
Recesses will all be free after Christmas break (kids can play anywhere/with other classes)
-no more movies during lunch
-planning to ease back into having kids face each other after Christmas break
-lunch schedule will remain the same for the remainder of the year
Disney license has been renewed
Mrs. Glenn’s retirement party was a huge success
Library - classes will be back in the library after Christmas break
Mr. Walter will be taking Mrs. Glenn’s class starting in January
Boundary changes for next year (2022-23) should be announced in Feb/March
Taylor Canyon principal will be moving to Polk in 2022-23
Wasatch PTA bylaws expire in December. We will be evaluating the bylaws and posting the proposed bylaws
within the next week and we will vote on them at our next meeting.
Nominating Committee
We need three people who can serve on a nominating committee to nominate people for the 2022-23 positions of Treasurer, Secretary, and President-Elect. Those who serve on the nominating committee cannot be
nominated. Looking for some great nominees to help keep PTA alive at Wasatch!
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 am
Next meeting will be January 14, 2022 9:00 am
January 26, 2022
Wasatch Elementary
PTA Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 26, 2022 9:00 am
Wasatch Elementary Library
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Robyn Stark, Karen Keller, Bob Becker, Sue Ann Burton, Sharon Dove, Amy Winn
Meeting Minutes for Dec meeting read & approved
Motion to approve: Sue Ann Burton
Second: Robyn Stark
Bylaws vote
Motion to approve: Sue Ann Burton
Second: Sharon Dove
New bylaws passed
Treasurer Report
December beginning balance: $2,461.13
December ending balance: $1,955.14
Fundraiser - Karen Keller
Straight donation fundraiser “Show Wasatch Some Love”
Letter and envelope sent home with kids
Top class will win a party & the teacher will get a prize - Lynnette will arrange
Top kid will be “principal for a day” - Robyn will discuss with Principal Wilcox
Payments in check, cash, or card on Member Hub - Lynnette will set up on Member Hub
Peach Jar emails and phone calls - Robyn will set up
All kids who bring in a donation will receive a prize
As soon as we clear everything with administration, we will print envelopes & set the dates
Fundraiser will run for two weeks in February
Valentines Class Parties
Monday, Feb 14
Most teachers will allow parents in the class - Robyn will get a list of who will and who won’t allow parents
Sign up genius will be sent out by Lynnette
End of year activity ideas: Field Day, 6th grade graduation, field trips, membership drive for the following year
Nominating Committee & PTA positions for next year: we will need a new secretary, treasurer and president-elect. Please reach out if you or someone you know would like to be involved.
February 11, 2022
Wasatch Elementary
PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, February 11, 2022 9:00 am
Wasatch Elementary Library
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Robyn Stark, Karen Keller, Amy Winn, Heidi Bench
Treasurer Report
January beginning balance: $1,955.14
January ending balance: $1775.15
We still have a outstanding Lifetouch bill that we are working on resolving
Fundraiser - Karen Keller
$1200 has come in through Member Hub (credit cards), some cash and checks turned in
Will end on Wed, Feb 16
We will meet at the school on Wednesday 2/16 at 2:30 and Friday 2/18 at 11:00 to count money
Class party budget will be $100
Robyn will check the PTA closet and get prizes
Valentines Class Parties
Monday, Feb 14
Got sign ups taken care of for all classes
Send sign up list to Tricia & reminders to those signed up - Lynnette
Parent Teacher Conference dinner -
Wed, February 23 - Robyn will look into catering options and plan
Nominating Committee & PTA positions for next year: we will need a new secretary, treasurer and president-elect. Please reach out if you or someone you know would like to be involved.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 am Next meeting will be March 10, 2022 9:00 am
March 17, 2022
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 17, 2022 9:00 am
Wasatch Elementary Library
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Robyn Stark, Karen Keller, Amy Winn, SueAnn Burton, Sharlynn Jones, Bob Becker, Shannon Wilcox, Rachel Smith
Fundraiser - total amount $11,586.14, huge success!
Top prize went to Lucy Barragan for $1100+, she received a $50 gift card to The Queen Bee and will get to be principal for a day
Every other student received a prize from the stash in the PTA closet
The top three classes are Mrs. Bringhust PM, Mrs. Pizarro, and Mrs. McInnes
Each will get a class party and a gift for the teacher - $75 per party
With our recent funds we have been able to provide a teacher lunch for last parent teacher conferences and $450 per grade for field trips
Treasurer Report- Amy Winn
Feb beginning balance: $1,775.15
Feb ending balance: $12,883.15
Nominating Committee & PTA positions for next year:
Nomination for secretary: Rachel Smith
Nomination for president-elect: TBA, we still need someone for this position
Upcoming Events
March 30 Class Pictures
April 13 Kindergarten Round up
May 2-6 Teacher Appreciation Week
Decorate doors
Teacher lunch
Flyer with ideas of what kids can bring each day
May 18 Carnival after school 5:00-7:30 5 volunteers needed
May 23, 24, 27 Field Day - organized by staff assistants, we will see if we can get the fire truck or super soakers
May 25 Kindergarten Graduation
May 24-27 Book Fair in library - staffed by librarians
May 26 6th Grade Graduation
Yearbook - if you have pictures please email Tricia at
A link to purchase will be sent out in the next principal newsletter
Talent Show - brainstormed possible ideas, Sharlynn Jones will come up with a plan
April 15, 2022
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, April 15 2022 9:00 am
Wasatch Elementary Library
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Robyn Stark, Amy Winn, Sharlynn Jones, Bob Becker, Shannon Wilcox, Rachel Smith
March meeting minutes read & approved
Fundraiser prizes
Principal for a day was a success - report from Principal Wilcox
All three class parties were, huge thanks to Lindsey Ketcham
Field trips - Motion to grant $450 per grade to the school to cover field trips
Motion by Robyn Stark
Second by Lynnette Wilkins
Motion passes
Treasurer Report- Amy Winn
March beginning balance: $12,883.15
March ending balance: $12, 458.38
We will move funds to a savings account over the summer to accrue more interest
Talent Show - only 2 submissions so far
Submissions due 4/29, assembly to follow - date TBA
Will announce again and post of Facebook page
May 2-6 Teacher Appreciation Weeks
Snacks everyday in the teacher’s lounge
M - Lynnette Wilkins
T - Sharlynn Jones
W- Rachel Smith
Th- Robyn Stark
F - Robyn Stark
Teacher lunch on Wednesday 5/4, Chick-Fil-A
Doors decorated - Lynnette will send out a sign up, doors can be decorated on Friday 4/27 after school
Flier with items kids can bring to go out on 4/27, reminder call on 4/29
M - note for your teacher
T - flower
W - treat
Th - school supply
F - write a pledge to your teacher
Gift for teachers & staff - Wasatch hat & Crumbl cookies (Robyn)
May 18 Carnival
May 24-27 Book Fair in library (coordinated by librarians)
May 23, 24, 27 Field Days - Robyn will call about fire truck
May 25 Kindergarten Graduation - Principal Wilcox will check if anything is needed from PTA
May 26 6th Grade Graduation
8x10 frames for diplomas
Purple carnations
2022-23 Year at Wasatch
Boundaries have been set - no buses planned for next year
Newcomers Program for OSD will moved from JMES to Wasatch - this program is for kids who are new to
the USA
2 year program that focuses on English language for half day (afternoon) - kids are in the regular
classroom in the morning
7 kids that are currently slated to be part of the program but will likely grow
Next years’ classes:
K Weinberger, Walter
1 Huff, Grow
2 Barlow, Bringhurst
3 Nix, Cassil, Montanez
4 Hunsaker, Hill
5 new teacher, Porter, Dye/Corbett
6 Johnson, Bearden, Burdett
We won’t have an idea on numbers until the end of April (when boundary exceptions are due)
Wasatch will be an AVID school - 4-6th grade set of practices that focuses on first generation college
students / college & career readiness, will be part of the school success plan.
New Panel
Wasatch Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
Friday, May 13, 2022 9:00 am
Wasatch Elementary Library
Members Present: Lynnette Wilkins, Robyn Stark, Amy Winn, Sharlynn Jones, Bob Becker, Shannon Wilcox, Rachel Smith, Sue Ann Burton, Karen Keller, Heidi Bench
April meeting minutes read & approved
Talent Show- Sharlynn Jones
Video compilation has been created and sent to Principal Wilcox, we had 20 submissions
Video will be shown to classes sometime in the next few weeks
Teacher Appreciation
In addition to decorated doors and snacks, we provided a Chick-Fil-A catered lunch buffet on Wednesday and beanie hats with the Wasatch logo from Stone Mountain Press.
Field Trip report
All grades have had or have scheduled a field trip, receipts will be submitted to PTA and we will reimburse
May 18 Carnival - 5:00-7:30
10 volunteers needed- sign up sheet has been sent out
May 23, 24, 27 Field Days - no fire truck this year
Sign up will be sent out for parent volunteers
May 25 Kindergarten Graduation - Principal Wilcox will check if anything is needed from PTA
May 26 6th Grade Graduation
Cupcakes and flowers
Treasurer Report- Amy Winn
April beginning balance: $12,883.15
April ending balance: $12, 458.38
2022-23 school year
New teacher for 3rd grade, Ms. Jundt (Mrs. Cassil is leaving)
Largest class size will be 24
Total students is projected to be 350-375
Meeting adjourned at 9:36 am
Next meeting will be September 2022 (date TBA)
Robyn Stark, President
Amy Winn, Treasurer
Lynette Wilkins, Secretary
October 1, 2021
November 5, 2021
December 10, 2021
January 14, 2022
February 11, 2022
March 11, 2022
April 8, 2022
May 13, 2022